Aerosol Classification

A group project for our AI201 (Introduction to AI) class. It tackles the same problem as my thesis but uses more sophisticated ML methods.

Project-related Links:

AI201 Mini Project

Study Title: Aerosol Classification using AERONET Optical Properties: A Case Study at the Manila Observatory

Submitted By: Hans Jarett Ong and Rossjyn Fallorina

Date Submitted: January 6, 2023

This repository consists of four (5) Jupyter notebooks that form a pipeline from data processing to analysis of results. These contain the necessary code to generate the data and results used for the paper. The notebooks in order are as follows:

  • 00-Data Preparation.ipynb
  • 01-Model Fitting.ipynb
  • 02-Performance Metrics.ipynb
  • 03-Temporal Analysis.ipynb
  • 04-Analysis of Results.ipynb

Results are also exported to the appropriate directories in this repository. Note that re-running the notebooks would overwrite the files in these directories.

  • figures/ - contains plots and figures in PNG form
  • models/ - contains the trained models saved as Pickle files
  • tables/ - contains tables in CSV form, such as performance metrics and the appended test data